Docent Walks

Explore the Ranch with Guided Walks!

Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve (FFRP) sponsors free monthly guided walks to help visitors experience the beauty and natural diversity of the Ranch.

Forest Loop & Bluff Trail Walks
Led by experienced docents, these walks provide a closer look at the rich ecosystems of plants and animals that call the Ranch home.

Special Interest Walks
In addition to the Forest Loop and Bluff Trail walks, our docents offer seasonal and migratory-themed walks throughout the year. Topics include:

  • Geology – Learn about the forces that shaped the land.
  • Bird Watching – Discover the many species that visit the Ranch.
  • Butterflies – Spot and identify these colorful pollinators.
  • Wildflowers – Explore the stunning seasonal blooms.
  • Native Cultures – Gain insight into the historical significance of the land.

Join us for a walk and experience the wonders of the Ranch in a whole new way!

Click to Zoom Map

Docent walks begin at one of the designated trail entrances listed above. Street parking is available near each entrance, but please be mindful of our neighbors—avoid blocking driveways or mailboxes.

Come explore the beauty of Fiscalini Ranch Preserve with our expert guides and learn more about the plants, wildlife, and history that make this place so special!

Docent & Single Topic Walks

Mar 29
10am - 12pm
Docent - Wildlife & Wildflowers on the Ranch Prairie

Let’s walk 1.5 miles on the all-access Bluff Trail to see what land and sea creatures are stirring and what plants are blooming in early spring!

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Apr 12
10am - 12:30 pm
Docent - Spring in the Fiscalini Ranch Forest

A bright splash of yellow, orange petals moving in clear air, hints of mysterious blue popping through moist green grasses. The crunch your boots make on well traveled trails as you turn a corner and find yourself in a totally new forest "room". Chattering gray squirrels living their lives on the skinny branches. A trio of black tail deer crossing your forest path. Come and see!

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May 3
10am - 12pm
Docent - Annual Wildflower Bluff Walk

A Friends of the Fiscalini Ranch tradition - a wildflower walk in our conjunction with the Wildflower Show on April 26-27th

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May 24
10am - 12pm
Docent - Late Spring Changes on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Bluff, Beaches and Ocean

Take a short leisurely stroll along the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve Bluff Trail to experience how spring affects the plants, marine and terrestrial animals and seaweed!

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Jun 14
10am - 12:30 pm
Docent - Fog...Mother Nature's Gift to the Forest

As the fog drifts slowly around our trees, with hanging lichens catching the moisture to irrigate thirsty tree roots, we enjoy the forest during it's most quiet and serene moments.  A time for reflection.  A time to enjoy nature's gifts.  A time to breathe deeply and allow our clean forest air to replenish our body, mind, and spirit! 

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Jul 5
10am - 12pm
Docent - Who Is Coming for Dinner?

In spring and summer, as the supply of small food explodes, so does the rest of the food chain from reptiles, ground squirrels, voles, moles, weasels, rabbits, and birds (from Gnat Catchers to Great Blue Herons). Larger creatures have come down to join the feast, including deer, skunks, and coyote. And the table has also been set in the tide pools for all the sea creatures!

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Jul 26
10am - 12pm
Docent - “Forest Bathing” in the Fiscalini Ranch Forest

Come learn about "forest bathing" - the practice of soaking up the sights, sounds, and feel of our natural environment - from an experienced Fiscalini Ranch Preserve docent!

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Aug 9
10am - 12pm
Docent - I Spy with My Little Eye

Come see the changes of late summer on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve bluff walk. You might even see a 30 foot blow from a blue whale!

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Aug 23
10am - 12:30 pm
Docent - Summer's Warmth and How the Forest Feels

Late Summer and early Fall, with crisp mornings and delightfully sunny days, will show itself in August and September.  Beautiful clear blue skies, framed by towering native Monterey pines and spreading coastal oaks, become a playground in the sky for teetering turkey vultures (and just maybe - a soaring condor or two), noisy red shouldered hawks, and curious towhees. 

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