Signs of the Season: A Holiday Walk in the Woods

Signs of the Season: A Holiday Walk in the Woods
Dec 21
10am - 12:30 pm

Location: Registrants will be informed of location
Docent: Joanne Freemire

Enjoy the feeling of celebrating the holidays in the Forest. See the changing colors, listen to the sounds of critters foraging for winter supplies, smell the fragrant dampness under tall Monterey pines. Is that mushroom edible? What about those wild strawberries?  And the minty yerba does it taste? Watch for newly arriving Monarch butterflies and learn about their yearly migration.  Perhaps a brightly colored Amanita Muscaria mushroom patch is just around the next bend...let's see!  Enjoy the soaring flight of the Turkey Vulture, the curious gaze of the Black Tail Deer, the calling of Red Shouldered Hawks, and the mysteries of Dusky Footed Woodrats.  All of this and much more as you walk along calming forest trails on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve...a place of reflective energy, a place of learning, a place of healing. See you in our forest!

This walk is approximately 2-3 miles with little elevation gain. Wear comfortable shoes and be aware there are no restroom facilities on the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. Children are welcome with adult supervision. No dogs please. Rain cancels.



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