

Promoting access, appreciation and understanding of the natural bounty of the Ranch is a fundamental goal of FFRP. Educational, docent-led walks on the history, geography, flora and fauna of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve are offered throughout the year. Each spring, FFRP puts on a wildflower show, featuring hundreds of local flowers collected by volunteer botanists and wildflower enthusiasts. In addition, FFRP collaborates with local schools to develop and offer educational programs focused on the Ranch, including planting and growing seeds of native plants and trees. See the FFRP calendar for a complete schedule of educational walks and events.

School related field trip walks are available through our docent program. These walks can be tied to earth science curriculum and meet the California Life Science Standards, or even complement local arts programs. We also offer a stewardship program for students. On  stewardship walks, a group of trained docents introduce students to the flora, fauna, and geography of the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. Contact ranch (at) for information. 


This is a PDF guide to several points of interest along the Bluff Trail, from basking harbor seals to native wildflowers. It's set up to start at the south end of the trail, but can be used in either direction. The guide includes a map showing stops and each page includes an image of where to stop, illustrated information, and an interesting fact. DOWNLOAD TO PRINT

Santa Lucia Middle School Forest Field Guide Project

Students from Cambria’s Santa Lucia Middle School combined art and environmental education to create a field guide to the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. Working with FFRP docents and their teachers, the students explored the Ranch through three seasons to experience and learn about the variety of plants and animals that thrive in the magnificent coastal habitat. The students translated their experiences into artistic representations of the plants and animals and wrote descriptions to create an FFRP Field Guide to the Ranch. 

Click on artwork to enlarge images.